Welcome to the Johnson County Texas ARES

Public service communication has been a traditional responsibility of the Amateur Radio Service since 1913. In todays Amateur Radio, disaster work is a highly organized and worthwhile part of day-to-day operation, implemented principally through ARES and the National Traffic System (NTS), both sponsored by ARRL.

The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) consists of licensed amateurs who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment for communications duty in the public service when disaster strikes. Every licensed amateur, regardless of membership in ARRL or any other local or national organization, is eligible for membership in the ARES. The only qualification, other than possession of an Amateur Radio license, is a sincere desire to serve. Because ARES is an amateur service, only amateurs are eligible for membership. The possession of emergency-powered equipment is desirable, but is not a requirement for membership.


ARES Repeaters for Johnson County

  • Primary Analog Skywarn: Cleburne, TX 145.490 – offset, PL 88.5
  • Backup Analog Skywarn: Cleburne, TX 444.000 + offset, PL 136.5
  • Alt Backup Cleburne, TX 444.125  + offset, PL 88.5
  • Alt Backup Keene, TX 443.125 + offset, PL 110.9  *YSF
  • Simplex 146.48

 Additional Local Repeater Information

Mansfield 145.39 – offset, PL 167.9

Mansfield 224.46 – offset, PL 110.9

Mansfield 448.775 – offset, PL 167.9 (linked to Burleson 444.525 + offset, PL 167.9)

Burleson 440.700 PL 136.5 *YSF WIRES-X

Joshua 224.76 – offset, PL 88.5

Venus 441.725 DMR  Color:1 ID: 314526 Time Slot: TS01,TS02

Alvarado 147.220 + offset PL 110.9 *YSF

Keene 443.125 + offset, PL 110.9 *YSF

Bosque County: 147.18 + offset, PL 123.0 *YSF 

Hill County: 146.78 – offset, PL 123.0 *YSF 

Click here for 25 mile radius of repeaters from Cleburne, TX

*YSF=Yaesu System Fusion

System Fusion is the only digital mode ham repeater system that allows FM and Digital to coexist. 

If you are FM capable only, it is recommended that you engage full PL tone squelch so you don’t hear the digital transmissions that would sound like a loud rushing noise. 

Also, in FM mode there is a 5 second delay before it switches back to automatic mode. This is by design.

FM Users: Be sure the channel is not active with digital before you key up on FM if you use full PL mode. 

You would do that by either disengaging the tone squelch (recommended) or by looking at your S-meter.

System Fusion Digital Users: leave your rig in AMS mode (automatic mode select) when monitoring to avoid not hearing FM when you are in monitoring mode.  Engage digital mode only when in an actual digital QSO and returning to AMS mode when you are done will insure you don’t key over FM transmissions. 

Since this is a multi-mode repeater it will be a challenge to keep the FM and Digital transmissions from bumping heads but with good amateur practice it can be kept to a minimum.

Below are CSV’s that can be easily imported with utilities like CHIRP to program your radio.

Repeaters within 100 Miles of 76033 (Cleburne Texas) – 2M, 220, 440

Repeaters within 50 Miles of 76033 (Cleburne Texas) – 2M, 220, 440, 927

Repeaters within 25 Miles of 76033 (Cleburne Texas) – 2M, 220, 440